Camphor significantly releases blocks by banishing timidity, fearfulness, and negative energies, and then enhances the flow of positive peaceful energies
Spiritually, camphor is very healing. Camphor can uplift the mood, especially to a higher, more spiritual vibration.
Camphor is especially useful for protection and dispelling negativity, fear and cowardice. Associated with the warrior angels, Camphor can banish timidity and fearfulness. Camphor is useful when going into stressful situations or conflicts. Use when going into battle—whether it’s a physical fight or another kind of challenge competing against others.
Camphor is classically used for spiritual cleansing and purification. If intrusive energies or harmful entities are attaching to you, Camphor can eliminate such forces from your life and cleanse your aura.
Use to Cleanse altar space, ritual tools and In ceremony.
with any of my washes you must use right away! This wash is fresh with fresh ingredients, also refrain from leaving it out please refrigerate. Please do not split the washes in half it is also a one time use!