Cascarilla is a unique ritual substance that has been used for a very long time in different cultures because of its amazing protective and cleansing properties.
In Santeria, cascarilla is a well-known and respected source of protection. Its practitioners use it to create protective barriers around themselves or their homes, to purify themselves from negative energies, or to honor their respected deities in ceremonies. Cascarilla is made from ground-up eggshells that have been cleaned and sometimes mixed with other ingredients
Cascarilla has two primary abilities. First, it has the power to expel negative energy in all its forms. Second, it creates a barrier between the natural and supernatural realms. With these capabilities, cascarilla can be applied to any number of situations. Since it’s usually in pressed chalk form, it has some flexibility in how it can be used. It’s even possible to use it in the form of a loose powder or incorporate it into candles or incense for even greater coverage.
Cascarilla wards off negative energy regardless of its source. This can include negativity you accumulate through your own trials and tribulations that life throws at you. The simplest way to understand how this material can be utilized is by considering it in its various forms.
Cascarilla is typically sold in pressed form. This permits it to be used for writing or marking. In this case, it can inscribe boundaries around your home by merely drawing a continuous line to block harmful energy from entering. It’s also common practice in Santeria to use the material to draw crucifixes on objects, including one’s own body, that require shielding from hostile energy.
Usually, these symbols are drawn around any entry portals of the house like doors, windows, and even vents. This action will both guard against antagonistic forces and blockade immaterial creatures, harmless ones included, that could otherwise gain access.